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Archive for August 2012

Get The Lead Out…Death by China, new film

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Nancy Cohen

Death by China, directed by Peter Navarro explores the rotten situation that exists because of the deals struck by multinational corporations and the Chinese government, deals which have destroyed American manufacturing.  With the kind of short-sightedness that would embarrass the Native American Nations, lobbyists, CEO’s and even Clinton have sold the US down the river, leaving entire communities destroyed. Not only have jobs been lost, but intellectual property—so much of our know how is now exported; China will soon have no need to import anything from us, putting us further into debt with them.

The film explores the problem from many angles including the lack of regulation in China which leads to toxic Heparin, leaded toys, and even polluted shrimp. This not what a country should expect from its trading partners.

Our reliance on cheap goods has made us blind to some of the Chinese’s most horrific human right abuses… like the incarceration and murder of the Falun Gong for their organs to the unregulated conditions of the basic Chinese worker? This film narrated by Martin Sheen is riveting, informative and fair, with experts speaking from both sides of the political fence

Written by nancykoan

August 24, 2012 at 5:42 am

Pussy Power

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The Ace Hotel was the site for dedicated readings from the gals of Pussy Riot… Karen Finley looked radiant and it was wonderful to hear her passionate voice used to herald the thoughts of these Russian Minx(s). Chloe Sevigny and others spoke out too.

One can forgive the older ladies of the Russian church who have lived through so much despotic change and cling to the safety they  feel inside church walls.  One can forgive the jailors who like slaves everywhere, are doing their job…and perhaps only occasionally identify with the power structure; but may more often than not, just wishing they were sailing. But what we cannot forgive is the brain chip that resides so comfortably in the heads of the politicians and money changers who want to maintain their positions of authority and power …no matter what the cost.  We cannot forgive their short sightedness, their innate appetite for everything material, and their complete amnesia towards their entry to this world…through the feminine.

The feminine continues to be exploited, abused and abased by global patriarchy…and it must stop now. Men and women who have hearts burdened by this knowledge must release their quiet compassions in a flood that will drwon the hardness of these oligarchs with gentle yet powerful waves of change.

The Virgin Mary knows which side of the rope she would stand… any woman who has been living in a world run by hooligans knows.

Hopefully, the gals were smart enough to know this will be the beginning and not the end.. they may become famous..good, more importantly, the power has been challenged. Like the trials in Chicago, this will be remembered …we are all listening.

Written by nancykoan

August 18, 2012 at 4:07 pm

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Imagine Me very soon

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Step into a beautiful possibility

We are in the midst of finishing Imagine Me… John Lennon gave us so much to remember.. the Olympics didn’t forget.the  Fourth Way could use your support, in love, thought and material… there’s no reason we have to dread the future if we’re willing to see it  differently… after all, consciousness and ‘love’ is all there is! Start now, today, right here… watch for now:

Written by nancykoan

August 14, 2012 at 3:44 pm

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Supercapitalist is out to Get You

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ImageIf you want to do really something, they say do it yourself. This is exactly what actor/writer Derek Ting accomplished in his film, $UPERCAPITALIST,  the first independent US-China co-production. This financial thriller stars the wonderful Linus Roache (Wings of Desire, Law and Order) and Kenneth Tsang of Rush Hour 2. Derek Ting plays the lead, an ambitious New Yorker of Chinese descent who finds out how truly naïve he is once ensconced in the evils of modern finance. As directed by MTV Simon Yin, Hong Kong looks like Las Vegas on crystal and though the film was written before the debacle of Wall Street, its selfish characters, predict the greed that is yet to come.

Mr. Ting,  who had worked mostly in IT before this debut had never made a film and was really a novice. But he discovered he loved acting at Cornell and wanted to tell a story he knew something about…and could act in. The dream dug in deep and it was his passion and excitement that brought Linus Roach to the project. Mr. Roach, too, is following his dream, by beginning the process of producing a flm he firmly believes in..the life story of Jesuit priest and innovator-philospher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Perhaps they saw the dreams in each other.


Ting then was able to go out and raise the money after his first commitment from Mr. Roach.  Ting insists he is really a ‘simple’ guy, but one who totally goes the mile to reach his vision.

Great choices in music and  as morality tales go, he tells a true one.

The film opens this August 10th in New York City and across North America..

Written by nancykoan

August 3, 2012 at 2:37 am